Exiting from a business creates change, both at work and at home. It changes routines. It redraws financial pictures. It reshapes social circles. Exit changes how we see ourselves, and our life goals. Unprepared couples may experience uncertainty, unease, and stress—no matter how financially rewarding the exit may be. When one spouse is not actively involved in the business, that person feels like an outsider, watching a life-changing event play out with little input. And, since most owners exit only once, neither partner in the relationship knows what conversations to have, and how to get started.
To discuss your unique business, and how to plan for and achieve a successful exit, Call 772-210-4499 or email Tim to schedule a confidential, complimentary consultation.
I’m not ready to leave my business yet – why should I worry about exit planning?
Ideally, exit planning starts when your business does. The longer you wait, the more likely you will have to deal with things that you wish you had done, or not done, along the way.
Waiting to strategize your exit means that you don’t know if today’s business decisions will help or hurt success at exit.
Ask yourself “Is my business ready for me to exit today?” If not, why not? The answer is usually a weakness in the business. Exit planning, in no small measure, is about strengthening the business. Planning for tomorrow’s exit creates a better business today.
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